About us

About us2020-09-27T11:12:57+03:30

Petro Ghanoun Iranian Law Firm


Petro Ghanoun Iranian Law Firm (Reg. 31865) is a Tehran based international law firm with a team of experienced experts, consultants & lawyers in various fields of law, to provide a wide range of legal services to international and local individuals and entities, tailored to their specific needs.

The  idea of establishing a law firm in Tehran was initially born In 2009.

In 2010, the activity of major core in the form of the institute began by enjoying the  prominent lawyers of various specialties in providing legal counseling services to domestic and international individuals and legal entities, in various economic, financial, commercial and industrial fields. Since 2013,these activities have continued more extensively under the name of Petro Ghanoun Iranian Law Firm.

PGIL owes its success to its cooperation with prominent lawyers, expert jurists, university professors, and the employment of young elites.

To improve their performance ,the founders acquired valuable experience in the field of legal affairs and were led to benefit from the high power and agility of the elite youth , the executive body along with the academic strength of university professors and the experience of expert lawyers and jurists and prominent retirees of the judiciary under  a mechanism called “Specialized Committee”. This committee is composed of the above-mentioned colleagues, who meets weekly and monitors all specialized activities of the firm. This fact has led to the  improvement of performance and  acceptable increase in the efficiency of the firm’s  activities in various areas of legal activity, and as a result, employers have often been positive about their work in this regard.

Also, the publication of academic and analytical articles, reporting the latest  rules and regulations, and news by using new tools in cyberspace has been welcomed by the  clients of the firm.

At present, relying on previous expertise and experiences and  in order to meet the legal needs of individuals and legal entities, this legal firm duly provides its services in six specialized department as follows:

contract affairs, claims management, companies’ legal affairs, arbitration &  mediation, and research department

We are proud to have a great partnership with other international reputable law firms worldwide, particularly in Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Turkey & UAE.

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    Contact Info

    Unit 4, First floor, No 70, Laleh Official Building, Laleh Alley, Asad Abadi Square, Yousef Abad, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Phone: 00982188620919

    Fax: 00982188602880

    Web: petroghanoun.com